We are world-famous for our guidebooks and have destination content for almost every place on the planet. To create this expert content, we have an established pool of more than 200 skilled and experienced freelance writers out on the road, covering the world from Sydney to Senegal.
Every month we receive many applications from people keen to contribute words or images to Lonely Planet. It's fantastic to hear from so many incredible writers and photographers, and we're keen to include as much of the travel community as we can. You can find out about the many ways to contribute to, or work with, Lonely Planet here.
We will be in touch only if your skills and experience match our needs. You’ll then need to complete the series of assessments that all our writers have to pass with flying colors.
Before being let loose on a real guidebook, we need to make sure you can capture the essence of a place and know your Sierra Madres from your Sierra Nevadas.
We currently also commission website articles from our pool of established writers and other specialist contributors. We rarely accept on-spec proposals and never accept prewritten articles.